You’ll need professional help replacing your fire sprinkler heads, and you should watch for these indicators that tell you it’s time to replace them.
Fire sprinklers are needed to keep your building safe against fires at all hours of the day. Whenever fires develop, the heat from those fires rises, causing sprinklers to trigger one after the other. Eventually, the sprinklers are able to douse the fire and prevent further damage to your property. The bad news is that these sprinklers don’t last forever. One thing that can go wrong is having your fire sprinkler heads damaged. Replacing these heads when appropriate is crucial to ensure your sprinklers continue to function properly. You’ll need professional help replacing your fire sprinkler heads, and you should watch for these indicators that tell you it’s time to replace them.
Signs That You Should Replace Your Fire Sprinkler Heads
Fire sprinkler heads have the chance to last the same amount of time as the building itself. Sometimes, though, certain issues can come up that negatively impact their efficiency.
To start, your sprinkler heads could have sprung a leak or gotten corroded and rusty. Any sprinkler head with these issues has to get replaced at once so that your building is ready to combat a fire emergency.
You should also think about replacing sprinkler heads that have too much grease, dirt, or dust piled onto them. You could try to clean them, but when enough buildup has piled onto them, it becomes tough to clean your sprinkler heads without triggering them by accident.
Another instance in which a replacement sprinkler head is needed is whenever a fixture is unable to pass a plunge test. If even one fixture in a system doesn’t trigger when it should, all of the fire sprinkler heads in that system have to get replaced.
Why Professionals Should Handle the Replacement Process
While you could try replacing fire sprinkler heads on your own, we recommend bringing professional help. They can get the job done much more quickly, saving your building time and ensuring you are never left in a position in which you are vulnerable during a fire emergency.
Professionals also make sure your building abides by all of the regulations in your area, and they’ll avoid causing any damage to your building or the sprinklers themselves while the installation is taking place.
Anderson Fire Protection, Inc. has the expertise and skill to help your home or commercial property for all your fire protection needs. We have been working in the Maryland, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C. areas for over 25 years. We are known for our top-notch customer service and high-quality results. If you are ready for fantastic fire prevention and protection services, from fire sprinkler installation to fire alarm design and to consult, give us a call at (410) 796-4915 or visit us online.