C.A.S.E. is one of the national leaders in mental health services for foster care and adoption communities.
The Center for Adoption Support and Education (C.A.S.E.) had recently held their annual golf outing. The golf outing took place on September 11th, and it was a huge success! We’d like to give a warm thanks to the staff who helped to orchestrate this event! It was a wonderful time for everyone who participated, and we’re confident that this will help bring awareness to C.A.S.E.’s cause.
What is C.A.S.E.?
C.A.S.E. is one of the national leaders in mental health services for foster care and adoption communities. It’s the goal of this organization to better the lives of children, and their families, who are either adopted or in foster care. They help by offering these children education and counseling. This organization also wants to expand its network of trained professionals to help give adopted and foster children a bright and successful future.
C.A.S.E. Values
There are core values that all CASE workers use to drive their passions. C.A.S.E. is committed to collaboration and empowerment. It’s their approach to helping families that garners a strong reputation. They believe in family-focused, collaborative, clinical approaches that are used alongside educational tools. By putting all of these resources together, they can help to empower families so that they can thrive in the future. They offer services both at the local and national levels to provide services to those who need them.
They even provide services beyond those that the families receive themselves. C.A.S.E. helps to apply best practices for training and implementing of adoption competency so that foster and adopted children and their families will have more positive mental health outcomes.
The organization also promotes diversity in the workforce and in the clients with which they work. Every family’s future is important to them. C.A.S.E. wants to make sure that all families can be assisted, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, or religion. They hold integrity, customer satisfaction, and the accountability of all stakeholders to the highest of standards so that children and their families receive the highest level of care.
A Thank You From Anderson Fire Protection
We at Anderson Fire Protection appreciate everything C.A.S.E. is doing for adopted and foster children and their families. We wish them nothing but the best in their endeavors and are confident in their ability to realize their goals. We look forward to everything that C.A.S.E. has to offer in the future.