For your fire emergency response plan, here are the steps you’ll want to include.
A fire emergency can pop up without any warning, and this is why you have to have a plan during these emergencies. When you have a plan for how to respond to a fire emergency, it helps everyone escape the premises more quickly and easily in a pinch, which keeps them from sustaining more injuries.
What should you include in your plan, though? A plan should be broken down into digestible steps. For your fire emergency response plan, here are the steps you’ll want to include.
Activate the Fire Alarm System and Contact 911
Some alarms go off on their own, but if yours doesn’t, you should first activate your alarms. After that, someone should contact 911. This person will likely have been designated to do so ahead of time.
Anyone who has training using fire protection equipment, such as fire extinguishers, can use them as appropriate for combatting small fires, but you should only do so when it’s safe enough and if you have an extinguisher nearby. Once a fire gets too big or dangerous to handle, you should evacuate the premises.
Evacuate Your Building
When the fire alarm goes off, everyone in the building should stop everything that they are doing so they can evacuate the building. Let them know that they should not bring personal belongings with them. If you can do so, you should close whatever doors and windows you can. After that, employees should head for the fire exits, following the appropriate fire escape routes, then go to the established meeting area.
Don’t ever use elevators during fires, and if you can’t use a certain escape route, close all of the doors and windows so that the fire can’t spread anymore. You should also consider any employees with disabilities when trying to escape a fire emergency.
Perform a Headcount
When everyone has gotten to the meetup area, you should have someone on your staff perform a headcount to make sure there is no one missing. If there is someone missing, you should wait until emergency services show up. Don’t return to the building until it is considered safe to go in, which is something emergency services will tell you!
Anderson Fire Protection, Inc. has the expertise and skill to help your home or commercial property for all your fire protection needs. We have been working in the Maryland, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C. areas for over 25 years. We are known for our top-notch customer service and high-quality results. If you are ready for fantastic fire prevention and protection services, from fire sprinkler installation to fire alarm design and to consult, give us a call at (410) 796-4915 or visit us online.