When you think of smoke detectors, you probably think of the shrill beep that sounds when it is time to change the battery, the piercing wail when your leave dinner in the oven a little too long, and the increased safety and security your family gets by having one installed. Just like with many other things around the house, smart devices and technology have changed modern smoke detectors for the better.

How smoke detectors are changing.
All in One Smoke Detectors
First off, smoke detectors don’t just detect smoke anymore. New smoke detectors are manufactured to detect many different things. Almost all smoke detectors now detect carbon monoxide, something incredibly dangerous and odorless. Beyond carbon monoxide, smart smoke detectors can detect and analyze smoke, temperature, motion or activity, humidity levels, and light. They can then give you a report through an app or noise to let you know what is going on. Smart smoke detectors have the added benefit of not going off when the steam in the shower floats by, so false alarms won’t be an issue anymore.
Don’t Worry When the Power Goes Out
Many homeowners are skeptical of smart home automation devices because they know that once they power and Wi-Fi go out, they might be stuck without all the conveniences and protection they paid for. Modern smart detectors come with batteries that can last up to 10 years, so even when the power goes out your family can stay safe.
Detailed Information for You and Firefighters
If the worst does occur and a fire breaks out in your home, smart smoke detectors are designed to sense and tell you where the fire is coming from, where heat is, and even how much smoke is in a different part of your home. Your devices will be able to talk to each other and collect additional data that could come in handy when the firefighters arrive and you are safely out of your home.
Upgrade Your Home Smoke Detectors with Anderson Fire Protection
Anderson Fire Protection has the expertise and skill to help your home or commercial property upgrade to the latest smart smoke detectors. We have been working in the Maryland, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C. areas for over 25 years, and we are known for our top-notch customer service and high-quality results. If you are ready for fantastic fire prevention and protection services, from fire sprinkler installation to fire alarm design and consulting, give us a call at (410) 796-4915 or visit us online. For more fire safety tips to keep your property safe, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.