Do you know how many fire extinguishers you should have in your commercial space?
From your sprinkler systems to the fire extinguishers, every inch of your business should have its own fire protection. But did you know that the number of fire extinguishers you will need actually varies depending on your building’s fire hazard level? These levels are dictated by your local building codes and the OSHA Standards and together they dictate how many fire extinguishers you should have in your commercial space. Let’s take a look at these fire hazard levels and how many extinguishers you should have in your commercial space.
Light Fire Hazard: No More Than 75 Feet Apart
A light fire hazard building is one where a fire is least likely to occur. The materials in these buildings are considered noncombustible and are arranged in a way that doesn’t encourage fire. Some examples of these buildings include office buildings, classrooms, hotels, and churches.
Ordinary Fire Hazard I: Every 75 Feet
This level is reserved for buildings with a few flammable objects on site. However, even with these flammable objects in the building, the risk of fire is still low because there isn’t an ignition source present. These spaces include things like fabric stores, post offices, and dry cleaners.
Ordinary Fire Hazard II: Every 30 to 50 Feet
This level is reserved for buildings with both flammable materials and ignition sources present. But at this level, a fire is unlikely to start without human error or malicious intent. These spaces include parking garages, hardware stores, and theaters.
Extra Fire Hazard: Every 30 to 50 Feet
Buildings that are considered extra fire hazards are likely to experience a fire due to a number of flammable materials, combustible liquids, and ignition sources located in the same area. These materials are often surrounded by lint, dust, or other combustibles that could help spread a fire if one starts. Some examples of these facilities include upholstery stores, die casting facilities, and plastics plants.
Commercial Kitchens: Every 30 Feet
Commercial kitchens are at the highest risk of fire because of the combustible cooking fuels, high heats, and fast-paced environments. Combining these things create a very real threat of fire every day. Any commercial kitchen should have a commercial hood system as well as a fire extinguisher located every 30 feet for easy access.
It is important that every commercial facility has fire extinguishers in their right locations. Be sure to place your fire extinguishers on exit routes near exterior doors and that they are clearly visible and not hidden. For more information on installing fire extinguishers in your business, call Anderson Fire Protection, Inc. today!
Fire Extinguisher with Anderson Fire Protection Inc.
No matter what your needs are, Anderson Fire Protection, Inc. is here to design and install a fire protection system that will work for your residential or commercial space. With more than 26 years of experience, Anderson Fire Protection, Inc. is able to offer you experience and reliable customer support. For more information on working with Anderson Fire Protection Inc., call us today at 410-796-4915 or click here for more information.
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