Here are some of the errors that could cause a fire sprinkler system to fail you.
Fire sprinkler systems are crucial for defending your building against a fire should one arise in your facility. The last thing you need is one of your primary defense mechanisms to fail you in a dire situation. Unfortunately, there are problems that can happen to your sprinkler system, and we want to make you aware of these problems so you can take measures to prevent them. Here are some of the errors that could cause a fire sprinkler system to fail you.
Your Fire Sprinkler System Was Shut Off
Sometimes, the problem is truly as simple as turning your sprinkler system off. There are a few reasons people might turn their sprinklers off. Sometimes, the building could be undergoing construction, or there are problems with leaks. In other instances, sprinklers get turned off whenever the building isn’t occupied.
Here is the problem, though: empty buildings can be a danger to nearby structures because any fire that starts in these unoccupied buildings can easily spread to other areas if nothing, or no one, is around to address it. Every fire protection system needs to be active whenever a building isn’t occupied. Even when you need to shut down your system for maintenance, you want to minimize the amount of time these systems are down.
People Don’t Maintain Their Fire Sprinkler Systems
Speaking of maintenance, not everyone performs the necessary maintenance routines to keep their sprinkler systems in good shape. A functional versus a dysfunctional fire sprinkler system can be the difference when trying to save people’s lives during a fire emergency. It might be the one line of defense you have. Every second counts in the midst of a fire emergency, so even a small delay in your sprinkler system can be devastating.
Considering how many problems your sprinklers can face, such as parts getting worn down, corroding pipes, and closed valves, you need to catch these problems early on so they can be addressed before a fire breaks out in your building. Undergoing regular inspections can be a big help. Getting inspections from a professional fire protection company will help you stay on top of any problems your sprinklers might face. Professionals may even notice problems that others might not see.
Anderson Fire Protection, Inc. has the expertise and skill to help your home or commercial property for all your fire protection needs. We have been working in the Maryland, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C. areas for over 25 years. We are known for our top-notch customer service and high-quality results. If you are ready for fantastic fire prevention and protection services, from fire sprinkler installation to fire alarm design and to consult, give us a call at (410) 796-4915 or visit us online.