Smoking inside any home can be very deadly and dangerous.
Recently, there have been fires that were started from a cigarette being lit inside a home. In fact, this increase in smoking related house fires provides an opportunity to discuss the severe dangers that accompany smoking within a home. Here are just some incredible hazards that come with smoking inside any home.
Where To Throw Out A Lit Cigarette
Ideally, every smoker is on their way to quitting. However, in reality, people will continue to smoke. As such, knowing where to throw out your warm or lit cigarettes can prevent a house fire. In fact, avoid throwing out a warm or still-lit cigarette into the trash, the grass, or in a planter filled with mulch. Another important thing to remember if you choose to smoke cigarettes is to never smoke in bed since the likelihood of dozing off to sleep with a still-lit cigarette in your hands is inevitable.
Install A Home Fire Alarm System
Obviously, if you choose to smoke, you do so outside of the home. However, it is still important that you install a fire alarm system to protect your family from any potential fire hazard that may spark a fire. In fact, a fire alarm system with central station monitoring will give your home and family the protection needed from any potential fire hazards that may crop up. Consider a fire erupting when no one is in the home. Smoke detectors can only help protect your precious humble abode when someone is awake to hear them go off. But with a fire alarm system, the smoke and carbon monoxide that are released will alert the fire alarm system to activate and triggering all the fire systems to work in coordination, leaving your family and home protected.
Maintain Your Fire Alarm System With Anderson Fire Protection Inc. Who Is A Farenhyt Select Distributor For Silent Knight by Honeywell.
No matter what your needs are, Anderson Fire Protection, Inc. is here to design and install a fire protection system that will work for your residential or commercial space. With more than 26 years of experience, Anderson Fire Protection, Inc. is able to offer you experience and reliable customer support. For more information on working with Anderson Fire Protection Inc., call us today at 410-796-4915 or click here for more information.
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